Headshots for Business

Corporate headshots similar to those used by actors. Lighting for corporate headshots is simple and non-dramatic, but flattering. Traditional headshots are still taken in a studio setting, though shots “on-location” or “in-the-field” continue to increase in popularity.

In both cases, backgrounds continue to be simple. Subjects are often shown head-to-midchest, or from head to just above the waist.

Headshots for Modeling

Modeling headshots are more like a beauty shots designed purely to be either artistic or flattering and are often used on comp cards for marketing purposes. Models often use them for castings and modelling work applications. A close up headshot is often required to show model’s skin complexion for beauty work.

Model headshots are also often professionally retouched to make sure their close up beauty photograph looks perfect without blemishes or spots.

Other Uses For Your New Headshot

  • Business Cards, Brochures & Print Collateral
  • Comp cards / Zed Cards, Modelling Portfolios
  • TV Advertising, Magazine Advertisements
  • Resumes, Websites, Press Releases
  • Personal Branding & Social Media Profiles
  • Email Newsletter & Email Signature
  • Online Ads & Author Pages
  • Dating Profiles

Have a Look For Yourself